i have officially joined the future, and it was super easy to set up in KDE plasma too
i have officially joined the future, and it was super easy to set up in KDE plasma too
(the dell monitor was my old primary for some years actually until sean gave me the samsung)
while i'm trying to set this up, uhhh, how do i... get apps to open on a specific display?
@jahtnamas@queer.party I think if you right click the title bar on things you can set up a rule that automatically sets the window’s position or monitor?
@splatsune yeah i was trying that, but the "screen" attribute doesn't seem to do anything? maybe i need to reboot again? idk
@splatsune okay it turns out HDMI is display #1 while the displayport connected monitor is #3
but setting tokodon to open on 3 isn't doing
@splatsune i think there's some weirdery with a setting called "active screen follows mouse" that i can't find
@splatsune okay i ended up using the position parameters instead and that works