What even is nixOS
What even is nixOS
@Axel_Hugsky oh no
@minnie I'm just curious cause I see tons of people talk about it
@Axel_Hugsky Linux Distribution.
I use it on pretty much all my computers
@mizah ahh
@Axel_Hugsky It applies ideas from functional programming to setting up a computer.
The idea is that you can give NixOS a a few configuration files, and it will make your computer exactly as you specify in those files, the same way every time, regardless of how you set it up previously.
That’s opposed to, say, running a bunch of installer commands that all affect each other, which you need to remember, and which might do something weird later down the line, such as not uninstalling something 100% cleanly.
@mizah nice
@Axel_Hugsky a Linux distro that requires a lot more effort to install than something like Linux Mint, but makes efforts to be a lot easier for system administrators and developers to make the same environment over and over again for e.g. server deployment or a software development environment
it is neat, but its usecases are niche
that said, everyone I know who uses it does so because they are hobbyists and not professionals (which I think is great, but also funny lol)
@slightlyflightyone nods