I think it's deeply embarrassing that the united states subsidizes corn so much but is still so reliant on fossil oil.
I think it's deeply embarrassing that the united states subsidizes corn so much but is still so reliant on fossil oil. We can literally make fuel out of corn ethanol. It's not great for the environment but it's not as bad as fossil fuel. Pisses me off
@goaty Corn based ethanol is actually worse for the environment than just using gasoline. We're going to need to go with electric vehicles powered by green energy.
goaty@meow.socialreplied to kinkykobolds@meow.social last edited by goaty@meow.social
@KinkyKobolds damn it pays to double check before posting I suppose
@goaty Yeah, I was shocked to learn that too. I wanted to link a reputable source for a first reply, but Engineering Explained on YouTube does the math as to why corn-based ethanol wasn't everything it was hyped up to be.